1. Scope
This policy covers all fees payable for training services provided within International Institute of Technology (IIT) scope of registration.
2. Purpose
To provide for appropriate handling of client payments and to facilitate refunds in the case of cancellation by either party. The refunds process will allow clients the option to disengage from training in a manner in which a negative impact may be negated or reduced, depending upon notification time frame.
3. Procedure for Enrolment
3.1 Commercial
In general, IIT provides training direct to the general public. IIT also engages in commercial clients and all fees associated with training are negotiated within via the CEO through a proposal. Upon acceptance of the quoted proposal an invoice will be issued to the appropriate contact person within each company IIT are entering into training arrangements with. Fees are paid prior to a course commencing so that dispatch of course material and enrolment processes can be completed. The option of two instalments is available to commercial and individual students. Half is paid upon enrolment and the second half is paid once face to face training has commenced or if students are completing the course by distance learning then the fees are due one month after enrolment. This is explained to students prior to enrolment and is sent to students with their confirmation of enrolment details, including the date the balance of fees are due.
3.2 Fee for Service
In the event that IIT engages Fee-for-Service clients, we shall apply the following:
- An initial deposit of half the course fee is to be made to confirm a position on the course nominated by the client
- Additional payments are to be made in full prior to the commencement of each unit or unit cluster. These charges are based on the course structure.
4. Procedure for Refunds
IIT holds current membership of a Tuition Assurance Scheme (ITECA), approved by the VET Regulator, which if the RTO is unable to provide services for which the learner has prepaid, IIT ensure:
- The learner will be placed into an equivalent course such that:
– The new location is geographically close to where the learner had been enrolled, and
– The learner receives the full services for which they have prepaid at no additional cost to the learner
– If an equivalent course cannot be found, the learner is paid a refund of any prepaid fees for services yet to be delivered above the threshold prepaid fee amount.
4.1 Commercial & Fee for Service
The refund process reflects the commitment by IIT to hold places as booked by clients and the amount of administrative resources consumed at the various stages.
As of 1st September 2017 the Reserve Bank updated amounts to be refunded based on the type of card used in the original transaction.
The following merchant fees withheld may vary and are subject to change:
(Payment made by)
VISA Credit: 1.35% withheld
VISA Debit/Pre-Paid: 0.66% withheld
MasterCard Credit: 1.21% withheld
MasterCard Debit/Pre-Paid: 0.95% withheld
As transactions do not occur face to face, fees are paid by mail order or phone order. Due to this we determine the card type used based on the card type selected on the enrolment form completed by the student.
The following reflects IIT refund process:
- Cooling Off Period.
2 Weeks or 10 working days (after payment being made) cooling off period. Student must provide a request in writing to the CEO via the education email account stating reason for refund. 80% refund of any money paid if a request is received in writing within first 2 Weeks or 10 working days of payment being made. $35 per course manual is withheld if course material has been used or is not re saleable. An additional amount for merchant fees is withheld for payments made by credit card. - After cooling off period, no refund is due, except at the discretion of the CEO, based on a case by case situation.
- For students enrolled for workshop attendance, or those who have paid additional fees for workshop attendance, refunds can be given outside of the cooling off period if notice given minimum of 2 weeks prior to scheduled workshop attendance. Amount refunded is the balance between the distance education price and the price paid to attend workshops. $35 per course manual is withheld if course material has been used or is not re saleable. An additional amount for merchant fees is withheld for payments made by credit card
- If a student is enrolled in a blended delivery program or workshop program and they have attended the face to face program, they cannot under any circumstances gain a refund or partial refund once workshop days have been attended
- If the client commences the course by Workshop but does not complete the course, cluster or unit. The fee withheld for any face to face training is up to $225 for each full day attended taken off amount refunded as per points a & b of this
In the case of a refund being granted, a $35 fee per course manual is withheld if the books have been damaged or are not able to be reused by IIT due to being an older version. - If a student re-enrols into a course that they have cancelled/withdrawn from previously, another withdrawal/cancellation of the same course will result in all paid fees forfeited.
4.2 Refunds for fees paid via a Third Party
As per the SNR standards relating to fees paid to an RTO:
- Standard 5.3. Where the RTO collects fees from the individual learner, either directly or through a third party, the RTO provides or directs the learner to information prior to enrolment or the commencement of training and assessment, whichever comes first, specifying:
- all relevant fee information including:
- fees that must be paid to the RTO; and
- payment terms and conditions including deposits and refunds;
- the learner’s rights as a consumer, including but not limited to any statutory cooling-off period, if one applies;
- the learner’s right to obtain a refund for services not provided by the RTO in the event the:
- arrangement is terminated early; or
- the RTO fails to provide the agreed services.
- Standard 5.4. Where there are any changes to agreed services, the RTO advises the learner as soon as practicable, including in relation to any new third party arrangements or a change in ownership or changes to existing third party arrangements.
When a student enrols with IIT in any course on our scope of registration and the student’s employer or another third party pays IIT directly for the student’s tuition fee, the student must be informed about the fees IIT has been paid for the course from the employer or third party.
In the case of request to cancel a course by the student with IIT, within the eligible timeframe or cooling off period, the student can only be refunded by IIT directly if the student has paid IIT directly for the tuition fees or evidence of payment to the third party is given to IIT and the employer or third party confirm the amount paid to the employer or third party was received by them from the student.
If the employer or another third party has paid the RTO for the student’s tuition fee the amount of refund must be refunded to the student via the third party or employer rather than the RTO. Any unrelated fees paid by the student to the third party or employer, which are not related to the tuition fee, are not the responsibility of IIT and will not be paid to the student by IIT. This is a matter between the student and the third party only.
If a student leaves or is retrenched from employment and has paid IIT for course fees required for their job, IIT is not responsible for any refund after the refund timeframe lapses. The standard refund policy applies.
4.3 Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG) Government Funded Students
The tuition fee students pay for the course is non-refundable as the tuition fee covers the cost of enrolment process administration and possible postage and course material fees.
5. General Rules
- The refund process reflects the commitment by IIT to hold places as booked by clients and the amount of administrative resources consumed at the various stages.
- Refunds must be requested in writing to the CEO of
- Once approved, the CEO of IIT will process refund requests within 7 working days from the day of receipt
- To allow prompt settlement of refund requests, all advanced payments will be held in a nominated bank account by IIT until the course start date.
- All requests for refund will be processed on an individual basis, taking into account impact on follow on units if applicable.
- The term “commencement” in this policy refers to the day payment has been made by the client.
- When students apply for a refund and fees are being reimbursed to the student;
– If the amount to be refunded is $415 or less, the refund is processed to the credit card used for original payment
– If the amount to be refunded is more than $415 the student will be asked to supply IIT with a bank account BSB, Bank account number and Bank account name as refunds over $415 cannot be returned to a credit card.
Details concerning the scope of IIT Refund Policy are to be clearly disseminated to prospective clients prior to contractual arrangements being made, this dissemination is in the form of the Student Information Guide.
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Office Address - St Kilda Rd Towers, Level 1, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne, Victoria, 3004, AUSTRALIA